Lake News

Reminder About Lake & Dam Issues: 

Lake Trace and the dam are owned by Escalante Golf. The liaison to Escalante is the chair of the CTA Trace Lake and Dam Committee (TLDC). Please address any concerns about the lake, hydrilla, etc., to [email protected] Thanks.

June 16, 2024 - July Lake Trace Dam Work to Affect Water Level Beginning July 29:

Lake lowering announcement from the club (Eric Graveen email received June 13, 2024, 4:21 p.m.): "As we approach the final phases of the dam work, CTCC will be opening the dam valve on July 29. This phase will involve removing trees from the creek behind the spillway and completing the final touches on the spillway itself. I know this time of the year is not ideal, but rest assured we plan to have everything in place to complete the work as quickly as possible to close the dam and allow Lake Trace time to fill up."

CTA will update residents as this situation evolves.

March 8, 2024 - Closing of Dam Valve

Received at 2:30 p.m. on March 8, 2024: "This afternoon, we closed the valve at the dam. With the recent rains still flowing in and rain predicted on Saturday, the levels will start to rise. Please monitor your boats as the water level rises and adjust lines as needed."

February 20, 2024 - Lowering of Lake Trace Begins Today

Received at 2:31 p.m. on February 20, 2024: "We are scheduled to open the dam to Lake Trace today. This action is necessary for significant lowering to facilitate tree removal from the dam, bridge work on Traceway, and dock repairs. The duration of the lake's lowered water level is currently uncertain, but ideally, all tasks can be finalized within a week once the water recedes. Boat owners are advised to monitor their lines and make adjustments accordingly."

 Eric Graveen, Golf Course Superintendent"

February 15, 2024 - Statement on Lake Lowering by CTCC
From CTCC Golf Course Superintendent Eric Graveen: "...Tree removal on the dam will begin soon. Access roads are currently being prepared to get the equipment needed to the back side of the dam. We are planning to lower the lake soon so that our contractors can remove trees on the bank as well as the CTA continuing their work from last year. Once we have a date set, I will make sure to communicate that with you as well."

February 6, 2024 - Lowering of Lake Trace is Coming

Lake Trace will be lowered around mid-February and remain lowered through mid-to-end of March. Exact dates will be provided when they are reported to TLDC, CTA.

August 26, 2023 - Diver Inspection of Lake Trace Dam Completed

CTCC has provided an update on the Lake Trace Dam, as follows:
As reported earlier, a diver was hired by Caroline Trace Country Club (CTCC) to inspect the dam valve blockage. He  was on-site today (Saturday, Aug. 26).
The good news is that it was just a build up of silt and mud on the valve shaft. This build up has been cleared away, and the valve is now fully closed. CTCC will come up with a plan to keep the debris away in order to avoid future occurances.
Thank you,
Eric Graveen
Golf Course Superintendent
Carolina Trace Country Club
August 23, 2023 - Diver Set to Inspect Lake Trace Dam
CTCC has provided an update on the Lake Trace Dam, as follows:

I want to send an update about the lake and its levels dropping.

With the dry spells we have been experiencing, we have seen an increase in the amount of water we are losing in the lake. After inspecting the dam it was found that the valve is not closing all the way. It appears there is an obstruction in the pipe preventing it from a full closure.

We have found a diver that is willing to inspect what is causing the obstruction. The diver will be here Saturday morning; we are hopeful that we will find a way to remove the obstruction.

The dam is structurally safe; it is an issue with the valve not closing completely.

Eric Graveen
Golf Course Superintendent
Carolina Trace Country Club

August 11, 2023  - Hydrilla Treatment Rescheduled

Lake Trace Hydrilla Treatment - Round 2 for 2023, updated 8/9/2023: due to product shipment, the treatment has been moved from the 10th to the 11. Please do not use Lake Trace for irrigation or swimming August 11 through 14.

August 10, 2023  - Hydrilla Treatment Scheduled

Lake Trace Hydrilla Treatment - Round 2 for 2023, updated 8/5/2023: do not use Lake Trace for irrigation or swimming August 10 through 13. CTCC's Golf Course Superintendent Eric Graveen has provided the following update as of this morning:
On Thursday, August 10, SOLitude Lake Management will be on site at Lake Trace for the second application of treatment for Hydrilla. This application will be the same as used last year, so it is important to note that we will have a 3-day restriction for lake use.
Thanks for your cooperation.

June 28, 2023 - Hydrilla Treatment Completed

The hydrilla in Lake Trace was treated by SOLitude as planned as per GM Ray Reyes. 

June 16, 2023  - Hydrilla Treatment Scheduled

The first round of hydrilla treatment will take place June 27 and 28. SOLitude will follow up with a second treatment roughly a month later. Unlike last year's treatment, we will not have any irrigation restrictions.

Eric Graveen
Golf Course Superintendent
Carolina Trace Country Club

March 14, 2023 - Update - Wanted: Your Hydrilla Sightings

The Trace Lake and Dam Committee (TLDC) is gathering information on hydrilla infestation as CTCC will have SOLitude Lake Management return to treat hydrilla this coming May. Residents who see hydrilla in the lake are asked to report the location to Kate Woods at ctaprestr@gmail. Since the TLDC works closely with the Club on such issues, residents are reminded that the TLDC is the contact for resident concerns and not the Club.

Dam Gates to Close February 15, 2023
The following is an excerpt from a letter, dated February 9, 2023, from Carolina Trace Country Club about the lake:

"...The lake is low, but not for much longer.  February 15, we will close the dam [valve] to allow the lake to begin filling up.  Once the water begins to rise, monitor your boats and adjust lines as needed."
Eric Graveen
Golf Course Superintendent
Carolina Trace Country Club

Lowering of Lake Trace in Early 2023

The following is an excerpt from a letter, dated December 12, 2022, from Carolina Trace Country Club regarding its plans for Lake Trace this winter:

 ...We are still waiting for surveys on the dam to be completed, so a big drawdown of the lake is still possible over the winter. As of right now, I do not have a confirmed date on when that may be or when the tree removal work will begin. Once I have more information, I will pass it along as soon as possible. In the meantime, we will schedule opening the dam January 4, 2023 in order to lower the lake level enough for those who have docks to be able to perform any needed repairs or maintenance.

Eric Graveen
Golf Course Superintendent
Carolina Trace Country Club

Statement on Lake Trace Hydrilla Treatment as of Fall 2022
Carolina Trace Country Club Management retained Solitude Lake Management to treat the hydrilla in the lake with two applications of herbicide, which occured in early October. 

Solitude Lake Management will reevaluate the Lake in June and July 2023 and recommend additional treatments as needed.

We are hopeful that these applications will eradicate the hydrilla outbreak. In conjunction with the herbicide treatments, we anticipate the re-stocking of sterile carp to naturally combat the Hydrilla.

At your service,
Carolina Trace Country Club Management